Tuesday 8 March 2011

international women's day....

Today is International Women's Day and this is IWD's 100th anniversay. The idea of having a women's day emerged from campaigns to improve the rights, entitlement to vote and working conditions of women, initially in Europe, and subsequently in the USA. On 25 March 1911, a fire in New York took the lives of more than 140 working women, most of them Italian and Jewish immigrants. This tragedy drew attention to the need for labour legislation and an end to discrimination.

This year, there are events taking place all over the world to celebrate the achievements of remarkable women but also to highlight the challenges which still face women and girls. 

According to the Fawcett Society, in the UK:
  • Women working full-time are paid on average 15.5% less an hour than men for doing work of equivalent value.
  • The Annual Survey of Annual Earnings 2010, published by the Office of National Statistics, found that men's hourly earnings were £16.25, up 1.1% from £16.01 in 2009.  Women's mean earnings increased by 2.2% to £13.73 compared to £13.44 in 2009.
  • Women make up less than 20% of MPs. There are only two Black women MPs, and there has never been an Asian woman MP.
  • 96% of executive directors of the UK's top 100 companies are men.
  • Out of every 100 rape cases reported to the police, just seven end in the rapist being caught and punished. Rape conviction rates vary hugely across England and Wales, indicating a 'postcode lottery'.
Many women and girls around the world still face hardship, exploitation, sexual violence, poverty and inequality. International Women's Day provides a platform to raise issues, increase awareness, share ideas and discuss responses. If you're interested take a look at these:
  • Dame Judi Dench and Daniel Craig's short film highlighting the differences between men and women's life experiences. Directed by Sam Taylor Wood on behalf of EQUALS.
  • The EQUALS coalition which is a partnership made up of ActionAid, Amnesty International, Care International UK, The Fawcett Society, Oxfam, Plan International, Save the Children, The White Ribbon Alliance For Safe Motherhood, Women’s Aid and Women for Women International.
  • The Great Initiative which is working to improve the prospects of women in Africa and hold governments and NGOs to account.
gender rights & equality banner

Whatever you're doing today, have a safe and happy International Women's Day!

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