Tuesday 5 April 2011

next stop Florence...

Last weekend was busy. Whiteladies started grey on Saturday morning but grew steadily brighter and was glorious by closing time.

Sunday at Tobacco Factory was typical April weather - sunshine interspersed with sudden showers. Me and the baskets had to retreat under our awning to avoid the blustery wind and rain. But 5 minutes after the rain stopped, the sun came out and it turned into a glorious spring day. Sunday was Mother's Day so there was a children's choir at the market, entertaining parents and market customers. I bought two blue lupins and a white oriental poppy from the plant stall and nibbled on macarons from the cake seller - the coffee ones are sublime! The flower stall was doing great business.


More importantly, only a week until we go to Florence. Can't wait. Haven't been to Florence for 3 years and it feels long overdue. The itinerary will be the same as usual. We fly into Pisa, catch the bus or train to Florence (whichever comes first) and then walk to our hotel (next to the Duomo). On arrival, the first thing we do is go down to the Arno and along to the Ponte Vecchio. Then we go to the San Lorenzo market to see what's new. Supper at our favourite bar (Yellow) or trattoria (Baldovino) and back for ice cream from the shop by our hotel (Grom).

One day while we're there, we'll climb the hill to the monastery overlooking the city in order to admire the view. We'll sit on the steps and watch the light shifting across the city. And the rest of the time we'll sit and wander and people watch.

What more could anyone want....?