Thursday 30 September 2010

real life

One of my friends has just come back from France and sent me this great photo.

I love those blue doors. Last time I was in the Vendee, the doors and shutters on all the houses were painted a fabulous shade of blue. It reminds me of those glorious blue, turquoise and white combinations that you get in the Greek Islands, particularly places like Santorini, where every building looks like it was specially made as a photo opportunity.

It always makes me want to paint my house the same colours when I get home. But it's never the same. The geraniums you plant to remind you are never as bright. And the ouzo/retsina/local wine you bring back makes you wince in a way it never did under a brilliant blue sky.

Which is why my doors are boringly white. And I try (not always successfully) to only bring back things that fit in with my real life and not my virtual one!

Monday 27 September 2010

couldn't give a fig....

I don't know what happened to yesterday's lovely weather but today it's 10 degrees cooler and drizzling. I'm resisting the temptation to switch on the central heating by using the woodburner and pretending it's not really a form of heating!

I was reading Nigel Slater's Kitchen Diaries last night, seeing what seasonal dishes I could/should be making with all the lovely things I brought home from Love Food yesterday.  But today I want to pretend that it's not really grey and damp and that I'm not really cold (which I am) so decided (somewhat irrationally) to make a summer snack. So here's the fab cheese I bought yesterday (see with some lovely ripe figs. All I have to do now is close my eyes, concentrate hard and pretend that when I open them, I'll be in Tuscany.......

Sunday 26 September 2010

Love Food

So this is today at Love Food ( Here's the glorious fruit and veg stall.

A beautiful day at Love Food. The sun shone, the music played, the sausages sizzled and small children ran around to their hearts' delight! Faces were painted, mouths were filled with tasty morsels, the stallholders laughed and a good time was had by all. 

I came home with some fabulous vegetarian, organic Jersey cows' cheese (yum) from a Somerset cheesemaker, a box of organic vegetables, some pickled garlic and really tasty lemon and herb marinated olives. (And I sold some baskets!) What a way to spend a Sunday!

Wednesday 22 September 2010

on the waterfront

Went down to the harbourside this morning to take some baskets to one of my customers, an award winning cookery school, restaurant and deli. Here are the baskets in the deli, alongside the handmade organic chocolate, olives, home made bread and other fabulous things they sell. I never manage to get out of there without buying something irresistible - far too much temptation!

The restaurant's in a great location and it was another lovely morning. There's something magical about this time of year, suspended between the seasons, when every extra sunny day feels like a privilege.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

pet baskets (sort of)

Don't know what it is about baskets that animals like so much, but they do. People keep sending me photos of their pets snuggled up inside baskets that weren't bought with pets in mind.

Here's Bobo, a well travelled dog who knows what he likes:

And this is Lily, who likes to take her toys to bed with her:

And this is Jake, who's mine. Not strictly speaking in a basket (he's a bit too big) but he likes to lie on top of them (if he gets the chance) and, if not, to lean on them, particularly if they're warm from the sun:


And yes, that's him on my profile pic, looking his usual lovely self.

Sunday 19 September 2010

jack johnson

Just making an apple and blackberry crumble and listening to Jack Johnson. 'What you thought you need' came on and it reminded me of a fabulous holiday I had with friends in Crinan on the west coast of Scotland a couple of years ago. We were in a cafe run by some lovely Australians and Jack Johnson was playing in the background. Despite the fact that the weather was overcast and we were all in wet weather gear and fleeces, the cafe was warm and cheerful. And there was Jack Johnson singing songs from Hawaii.

My friend has just gone to the Caribbean for a year. So this is for her....

Saturday 18 September 2010

the C word...

When I walked the dog this morning, I could see my breath in the air. Put on a few layers, a fleece and a pair of wristwarmers to go to the market. For the first couple of hours, the sun was behind the building opposite and it really felt like Autumn. Then, all of a sudden, the sun made it over the roof, through the trees and it was Summer again.

I never know what to wear this time of the year. Is it flip flops or boots? Tights or bare legs? Summer clothes or woollies? Anyway, it ended up as another lovely day in the market. We laughed, shared stories, found out about our customers' lives and loves and enjoyed the sunshine. This is what makes being a market stallholder the best of fun.

The telltale sign that Autumn has arrived was the number of people who mentioned the C word. Yes, Christmas shopping has begun!

Friday 17 September 2010

anyone for christmas pudding?

I know it's a bit early to be talking about Christmas but I really like these silver pudding charms. In Victorian times, charms were stirred into the Christmas Pudding for the family to find, along with silver sixpences and threepenny bits. Traditionally, the charms were a boot, a bell, a wishbone, a thimble, a ring, a horseshoe and a bachelor's button. These, along with silver sixpences and threepenny pieces, were used to foretell travel, romance, fortune and good luck.

I think we should revive this tradition so I'm going to sell these on the stall this year. They make lovely keepsakes. The ones here are holly leaves, a pine cone, a christmas tree, a sleigh, a wreath, a stocking, a nativity scene and a snowflake. The best thing is to thread them on ribbon so they can be pulled out before anyone swallows them or breaks a tooth!

Tuesday 14 September 2010

food festival

I've just taken a delivery of lovely new baskets from Ghana. These are the famous Bolgatanga baskets - fantastic colours, intricately woven, lovely handles. Will be taking them with me to Thornbury Food Festival tomorrow. Here's an example.....

Here's hoping it doesn't rain.........keep your fingers crossed for good weather.