Friday 17 September 2010

anyone for christmas pudding?

I know it's a bit early to be talking about Christmas but I really like these silver pudding charms. In Victorian times, charms were stirred into the Christmas Pudding for the family to find, along with silver sixpences and threepenny bits. Traditionally, the charms were a boot, a bell, a wishbone, a thimble, a ring, a horseshoe and a bachelor's button. These, along with silver sixpences and threepenny pieces, were used to foretell travel, romance, fortune and good luck.

I think we should revive this tradition so I'm going to sell these on the stall this year. They make lovely keepsakes. The ones here are holly leaves, a pine cone, a christmas tree, a sleigh, a wreath, a stocking, a nativity scene and a snowflake. The best thing is to thread them on ribbon so they can be pulled out before anyone swallows them or breaks a tooth!

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