Saturday 9 October 2010


Behind where I live, there used to be a farm. There are lots of old apple trees so this time of year there are lots of windfalls. My old dog used to see it as his personal responsibility to clear them up by eating as many as he could every time we went for a walk. He also liked to pick his own blackberries. And in the garden, his own strawberries and tomatoes (no wonder I never had a crop!). It's remarkable how many crab apples, cooking apples and dessert apples a labrador's stomach can digest without any apparent consequences!

Fortunately, my current labrador doesn't share this enthusiasm. But he does share with his predecessor a liking for the bread which people take to the lake for the ducks. I try to steer him away as best I can, anxious to prevent toddlers being pushed aside by his eagerness to get to the bread before the ducks do!

I bring home bags of blackberries and apples and make them into compotes for breakfast or desserts. And on days when lots of people have been to the lake to feed the ducks, and the ducks are so full they can't eat another crumb, I also bring home a labrador who's about 7lbs heavier than he was when we left the house!


  1. I can testify to the greed of both of these labradors. The old one was probably the greediest dog I ever met, and one of the nicest (although the current one is a real sweetie). My family spent a week in wet Wales with said dog, who spent the whole time eating sheep droppings. He also used to sit under the table at mealtimes hoping for scraps from the children and making TERRIBLE smells. Happy days.... :)

  2. .. ha ha! I have heard these stories and now you have completely confirmed the truth of them!

  3. One of the most infamous of my dogs for making hideous smells was Maddy. She was often on a cabbage diet which meant her insides smelt like a compost heap! Need I say more....
