Sunday 6 February 2011


As part of my ongoing campaign to ignore the weather, here are this week's tulips:

And to combat the fact that it's grey and miserable today (although not cold, hoorah!), I made banana pancakes for breakfast and ate them with ice cream (don't tell my dentist). Should have accompanied them with Jack Johnson, of course, but instead put on Muddy Waters very loudly. The great thing about pancakes, laden with maple syrup, chocolate sauce, ice cream or bananas, is that they make it feel like the weekend, regardless of the day of the week or what the weather's doing outside.

And Spring is coming. Here are the first snowdrops, struggling through last year's leaves in the woods where I walk the dog: 

The crocuses are through in the garden and it won't be long before they're in flower. But in the meantime, watch this space....the tulipfest goes on!

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