Sunday 30 January 2011

sunshine makes me cook!

Today was sunny. Such a relief! Even if it's cold, it's so much better if the sun shines.

So I thought I'd make some cookies. Been meaning to try and find a good recipe for gluten free cookies. For any of you who are gluten free or have eaten gluten free bread/biscuits/cake, you'll know only too well that they are often dry. Dry, dry, dry. I'd absolutely love to find a recipe for something that is chewy and gooey. These were badged as both so decided to give them a bash:

As usual, I couldn't stick to the recipe, either in terms of ingredients or methods. No wonder, my efforts often go wrong! Anyway, today I decided not to make this recipe with white chocolate and cranberries - didn't have any and didn't fancy them. So I used milk chocolate chips. And instead of carefully creaming and folding with a spoon I chucked it all in the mixer.

So here are my efforts with a comforting cup of hot chocolate to dunk them in.

I think mine are a bit crispier than these are meant to be (mine are more like biscotti) so I may need to be a little more fastidious next time.

Incidentally for all those of you who asked how my gluten free Christmas cake came out, it was surprisingly okay.  A bit dry even with half a bottle of brandy in it so next year, more brandy!

The experiment continues!

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