Monday 24 January 2011

the cat sat on the mat...

Or in this case, in a giant Ghana basket on the mat in front of the fire! This is Lily, who belongs to Sue (Greengarlandgirl). Not sure which she liked the most - the roaring fire or the basket - but she was pretty keen on both.

Of course, these aren't intended to be cat baskets, although cats do seem to like them a lot. People keep sending me photos of baskets, bought for knitting, or shopping, or in the garden, which have been commandeered by their cat. Still, as we all know, cats get what they want and are no respecters of persons so too bad if you wanted your basket for something else!

1 comment:

  1. yet another use for a large Ghana basket. Laundry basket, tool bag, log carrier, cat basket.. This is my current #1 best green-basket (and I have a few... )
