Saturday 15 January 2011

signs of new life...

This week has been warm and wet and nature's put on a spurt. The pussy willow is in bud and here are the first catkins:

In the park, the first snowdrops and crocuses are starting to break through the dead leaves. The camellia in my garden has big fat buds, a welcome sign of life amongst all the things that haven't made it through the winter - the French lavender, the bay tree cuttings. I'm not holding out any hope for the fig tree - it had only been planted a couple of weeks when the snow came. 

But it won't be long before the narcissus and winter jasmine are in flower. And even if winter blows back in and we have more of the cold, cold, cold that we had in December, these buds are a reminder that Spring is on the way.

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