Sunday 30 January 2011

sunshine makes me cook!

Today was sunny. Such a relief! Even if it's cold, it's so much better if the sun shines.

So I thought I'd make some cookies. Been meaning to try and find a good recipe for gluten free cookies. For any of you who are gluten free or have eaten gluten free bread/biscuits/cake, you'll know only too well that they are often dry. Dry, dry, dry. I'd absolutely love to find a recipe for something that is chewy and gooey. These were badged as both so decided to give them a bash:

As usual, I couldn't stick to the recipe, either in terms of ingredients or methods. No wonder, my efforts often go wrong! Anyway, today I decided not to make this recipe with white chocolate and cranberries - didn't have any and didn't fancy them. So I used milk chocolate chips. And instead of carefully creaming and folding with a spoon I chucked it all in the mixer.

So here are my efforts with a comforting cup of hot chocolate to dunk them in.

I think mine are a bit crispier than these are meant to be (mine are more like biscotti) so I may need to be a little more fastidious next time.

Incidentally for all those of you who asked how my gluten free Christmas cake came out, it was surprisingly okay.  A bit dry even with half a bottle of brandy in it so next year, more brandy!

The experiment continues!

Monday 24 January 2011

the cat sat on the mat...

Or in this case, in a giant Ghana basket on the mat in front of the fire! This is Lily, who belongs to Sue (Greengarlandgirl). Not sure which she liked the most - the roaring fire or the basket - but she was pretty keen on both.

Of course, these aren't intended to be cat baskets, although cats do seem to like them a lot. People keep sending me photos of baskets, bought for knitting, or shopping, or in the garden, which have been commandeered by their cat. Still, as we all know, cats get what they want and are no respecters of persons so too bad if you wanted your basket for something else!

Saturday 15 January 2011

signs of new life...

This week has been warm and wet and nature's put on a spurt. The pussy willow is in bud and here are the first catkins:

In the park, the first snowdrops and crocuses are starting to break through the dead leaves. The camellia in my garden has big fat buds, a welcome sign of life amongst all the things that haven't made it through the winter - the French lavender, the bay tree cuttings. I'm not holding out any hope for the fig tree - it had only been planted a couple of weeks when the snow came. 

But it won't be long before the narcissus and winter jasmine are in flower. And even if winter blows back in and we have more of the cold, cold, cold that we had in December, these buds are a reminder that Spring is on the way.

Sunday 9 January 2011

bright side of the road...

Today was sunny so I went to buy tulips which always remind me of Spring. I put them in my favourite vase, bought in Spain, a reminder of happy holidays with friends.

Having survived December, which turned out to be the coldest on record, I've been feeling in serious need of an uplift. Since New Year, it's been grey, rainy and miserable. So today was great. Clear blue sky, no rain and a whole day when the temperature stayed above freezing!

To capture and preseve this spirit, I'm compiling a playlist of music which reminds me of sunshine. I'm going to play it relentlessly from now until Spring, particularly on days when the clouds are low. Haven't finalised the list yet but here are some of the contenders:

Amadou and Mariam                       Senegal Fast Food 
Jack Johnson                                   Banana pancakes            
The Rascals                                     Groovin'
Bob Marley and the Wailers            Three Little Birds
Mica Paris                                       Like Dreamers Do
JJ Cale                                            They call me the breeze
Robert Plant and Alison Krauss       Gone, gone, gone
Buena Vista Social Club                  Chan Chan
Afro Cubism                                    Jarabi

and of course,
Van Morrison                                  Bright Side of the Road:

'Let's enjoy it while we can
Won't you help me sing my song
From the dark end of the street
To the bright side of the road'

Amen to that!